Deploying a React App with Vite to Netlify: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Millicent -

Deploying a React App with Vite to Netlify: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Welcome to this comprehensive guide on deploying a React app created with Vite to Netlify! In this article, we’ll take you through the entire process, from setting up a new React project with Vite to deploying it to Netlify. Buckle up and let’s get started!

What is Vite?

Vite is a modern development server that provides a fast and efficient way to build and serve React applications. It’s an alternative to Webpack and Create React App, and it’s gaining popularity due to its speed, simplicity, and ease of use. Vite is built on top of Rollup and provides a lot of features out of the box, including code splitting, tree shaking, and hot module replacement.

Setting up a New React Project with Vite

Let’s start by creating a new React project with Vite. Open your terminal and run the following command:

npm init vite@latest

Follow the prompts to set up your project. Choose “react” as the template, and give your project a name. Once the setup is complete, navigate to your project directory and install the dependencies:

cd my-react-app
npm install

Configuring Vite

By default, Vite comes with a basic configuration that’s sufficient for most use cases. However, we need to make a few changes to our `vite.config.js` file to enable Netlify deployment. Open the file and add the following code:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import reactRefresh from '@vitejs/plugin-react-refresh';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [reactRefresh()],
  build: {
    outDir: 'build',

In this configuration, we’re telling Vite to use the React refresh plugin and output the built files to a directory called `build`.

Building the React App

Now that we have our Vite configuration set up, let’s build our React app. Run the following command:

npm run build

This will compile our code and output the built files to the `build` directory.

What is Netlify?

Netlify is a popular platform for building, deploying, and managing web applications. It provides a lot of features, including continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD), serverless functions, and edge caching. Netlify is an ideal choice for deploying React apps, and integrating it with Vite is a breeze.

Creating a Netlify Account and Setting up a New Site

Head over to and sign up for a new account if you haven’t already. Once you’re logged in, click on the “New site” button and follow the prompts to set up a new site. Choose a site name, and select “GitHub” as the repository provider (even if you’re not using GitHub, it’s the default option). Connect your GitHub account, and select the repository that contains your React app.

Configuring Netlify for Vite Deployment

Netlify provides a `netlify.toml` file that allows you to configure your site’s build and deployment settings. Create a new file in the root of your project directory with the following content:

  command = "npm run build"
  publish = "build"

In this configuration, we’re telling Netlify to run the `npm run build` command to build our React app, and publish the built files to the `build` directory.

Deploying to Netlify

Finally, it’s time to deploy our React app to Netlify. Navigate to your Netlify site dashboard and click on the “Deploy site” button. Netlify will automatically build and deploy your app using the `netlify.toml` configuration.

What to Expect

Once the deployment is complete, you’ll see a success message, and your React app will be live on the internet! Netlify provides a unique URL for your site, which you can find in the site dashboard.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While deploying a React app with Vite to Netlify is relatively straightforward, you may encounter some issues. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  • Error: “Cannot find file ‘index.html'”

    Solution: Make sure that your `build` directory contains an `index.html` file. If not, check your Vite configuration and ensure that the `build.outDir` option is set correctly.

  • Error: “Failed to build site”

    Solution: Check the Netlify build logs for errors. Common causes include syntax errors in your code, missing dependencies, or incorrect Vite configuration.


In this article, we’ve covered the entire process of deploying a React app created with Vite to Netlify. By following these step-by-step instructions, you should be able to set up a new React project with Vite, build and deploy it to Netlify, and even troubleshoot common issues that may arise. Remember to check out the official Vite and Netlify documentation for more information and advanced configuration options.

Resources Links
Vite Documentation
Netlify Documentation
React Official Website

Happy deploying!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to deploy your React-Vite application to Netlify in no time! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you overcome any obstacles that might come your way.

What is the best way to set up a React-Vite project for deployment on Netlify?

To set up a React-Vite project for deployment on Netlify, create a new React-Vite project using the command `npm init vite@latest` and then install the necessary dependencies. Afterward, create a `netlify.toml` file in the root of your project and configure it according to Netlify’s documentation. Finally, link your GitHub repository to Netlify and set up continuous deployment (CD) to deploy your application automatically on each push to your repository.

How do I configure my `vite.config.js` file for Netlify deployment?

In your `vite.config.js` file, you need to specify the build output directory as `dist` and set the `build.outDir` property to `’./dist’`. Additionally, you may want to configure other settings such as `build.assetsDir` and `buildrollupOptions.outputmanualChunks` according to your project’s requirements. Netlify will automatically pick up the build output from the `dist` directory and deploy it to your site.

Do I need to install any specific plugins or dependencies for Netlify deployment?

No, you don’t need to install any specific plugins or dependencies for Netlify deployment. However, you may need to install some plugins or dependencies depending on your project’s requirements, such as `@netlify/plugin-next` or `netlify-cli`. These plugins can help you with tasks such as optimizing images, handling server-side rendering, and more.

How do I troubleshoot deployment issues on Netlify?

To troubleshoot deployment issues on Netlify, you can check the Netlify debug logs, which provide detailed information about the deployment process. You can also check the build and deployment logs in your Netlify dashboard to identify any errors or issues. Additionally, you can try redeploying your site or checking the Netlify documentation for common deployment issues and their solutions.

Can I use Netlify’s built-in caching and CDN with my React-Vite application?

Yes, you can use Netlify’s built-in caching and CDN with your React-Vite application. Netlify provides automatic caching and CDN capabilities for your site, which can improve performance and reduce latency. You can configure caching headers and other settings in your `netlify.toml` file or through the Netlify dashboard to optimize caching and CDN performance for your application.

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