PHP-FPM Worker Terminated After request_terminate_timeout: Unraveling the Mystery
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PHP-FPM Worker Terminated After request_terminate_timeout: Unraveling the Mystery

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Are you tired of seeing your PHP-FPM workers terminating unexpectedly, despite recent request start times? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of PHP-FPM and explore the possible reasons behind this frustrating issue. Buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a troubleshooting adventure!

The Mysterious Case of the Terminated Worker

Imagine this: your PHP application is humming along, serving requests left and right. Suddenly, without warning, your PHP-FPM worker terminates, leaving you with a cryptic error message:

[18-Feb-2023 14:30:05] WARNING: [pool www] child 12345 terminated after request,  timeout=300s, signal=0

You scratch your head, wondering what could have caused this sudden demise. You check the server logs, but there’s no apparent reason for the termination. The request wasn’t particularly long-running, and the server wasn’t under heavy load. What’s going on?

The request_terminate_timeout Setting: A Prime Suspect

request_terminate_timeout is a PHP-FPM setting that determines how long a worker can take to complete a request before it’s terminated. By default, this timeout is set to 0, which means there’s no timeout. However, in many cases, this setting is overridden in the pool configuration file (e.g., www.conf) or in the php-fpm.conf file.

request_terminate_timeout = 300

In this example, the request_terminate_timeout is set to 300 seconds (5 minutes). This means that if a request takes longer than 5 minutes to complete, the PHP-FPM worker will terminate.

But Wait, There’s More! Other Possible Causes

While request_terminate_timeout is a common culprit, there are other factors that can contribute to the premature termination of PHP-FPM workers. Let’s explore some of these additional suspects:

  • Slow SQL Queries: If your application is executing slow SQL queries, these can cause the worker to hang, eventually leading to termination.
  • Memory Leaks: Memory leaks in your PHP code or third-party libraries can cause the worker to consume increasing amounts of memory, ultimately leading to termination.
  • Resource Intensive Operations: Resource-intensive operations, such as image processing or video encoding, can cause the worker to take longer than expected, triggering the timeout.
  • Network Issues: Network connectivity problems or slow responses from external services can cause the worker to hang, leading to termination.
  • PHP Errors and Exceptions: Uncaught PHP errors and exceptions can cause the worker to terminate unexpectedly.

Troubleshooting the Issue: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s walk through a step-by-step troubleshooting process to resolve the issue:

  1. Verify the request_terminate_timeout Setting: Check your pool configuration file (www.conf) and php-fpm.conf file to ensure the request_terminate_timeout setting is not set too low.
  2. Enable Slow Log: Enable the slow log in your PHP-FPM configuration file to capture slow requests:
  3. slowlog = /var/log/php-fpm/slow.log
    request_slowlog_timeout = 10s
  4. Monitor Server Logs: Check your server logs for error messages, warnings, or notices that might indicate the cause of the termination.
  5. Analyze SQL Queries: Use tools like mysqldumpslow or pt-query-digest to analyze slow SQL queries and identify potential bottlenecks.
  6. Profile Your Application: Use PHP profiling tools like Xdebug or Zend Debugger to identify performance bottlenecks in your application code.
  7. Check System Resources: Monitor system resource usage (CPU, memory, disk) to ensure your server is not experiencing resource constraints.
  8. Verify Network Connectivity: Check network connectivity and response times from external services to ensure they’re not causing issues.
  9. Review PHP Error Logs: Check PHP error logs for uncaught errors and exceptions that might be causing the worker to terminate.

Optimizing PHP-FPM Settings for Better Performance

Once you’ve identified and resolved the underlying issue, it’s essential to optimize your PHP-FPM settings for better performance. Here are some recommendations:

Setting Recommended Value Description
pm.max_children 50-100 The maximum number of child processes to spawn. Adjust based on server resources.
pm.start_servers 10-20 The number of child processes to start with. Adjust based on server load.
pm.min_spare_servers 5-10 The minimum number of spare child processes to maintain. Adjust based on server load.
pm.max_spare_servers 20-30 The maximum number of spare child processes to maintain. Adjust based on server load.
request_terminate_timeout 300-600 The timeout in seconds for terminating a worker. Adjust based on application requirements.


In conclusion, the mysterious case of the terminated PHP-FPM worker can be solved by understanding the role of request_terminate_timeout and identifying other potential causes. By following the step-by-step troubleshooting guide and optimizing your PHP-FPM settings, you’ll be well on your way to resolving this issue and ensuring smooth sailing for your PHP application.

Remember, troubleshooting is an art that requires patience, persistence, and a dash of creativity. Don’t be afraid to dig deep, ask questions, and experiment with different solutions until you find the root cause of the problem.

Happy troubleshooting, and may your PHP-FPM workers live long and prosper!

Frequently Asked Question

Struggling with PHP-FPM worker termination despite recent request start time? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What is request_terminate_timeout and how does it affect PHP-FPM workers?

The request_terminate_timeout setting in PHP-FPM determines how long a worker process can run before it’s terminated. If a worker takes longer than the specified time to process a request, it’s terminated to prevent resource exhaustion. However, if you’re experiencing terminations despite recent request start times, there might be other factors at play, such as system overload or misconfigured settings.

Why do PHP-FPM workers terminate even when there are recent requests?

There are several reasons why PHP-FPM workers might terminate despite recent requests. Some possible causes include: the worker exceeded the request_terminate_timeout, the parent process was restarted, or the system is experiencing high load. It’s also possible that the worker is stuck in an infinite loop or waiting for a resource that’s no longer available.

How can I troubleshoot PHP-FPM worker terminations?

To troubleshoot PHP-FPM worker terminations, start by checking the PHP-FPM logs for error messages. You can also enable slow request logging to identify requests that are taking too long to process. Additionally, monitor your system’s resource usage and adjust settings like request_terminate_timeout and pm.max_requests accordingly. Don’t forget to check for any system updates or configuration changes that might be affecting PHP-FPM.

Can I adjust the request_terminate_timeout setting to prevent worker terminations?

Yes, you can adjust the request_terminate_timeout setting to give workers more time to process requests. However, be careful not to set it too high, as this can lead to resource exhaustion if workers are stuck in infinite loops or waiting for unavailable resources. A good starting point is to set it to a value that’s slightly higher than the average request processing time.

What are some best practices to prevent PHP-FPM worker terminations?

To prevent PHP-FPM worker terminations, implement best practices like monitoring system resources, optimizing database queries, and reducing memory usage. Regularly update your PHP and system software, and adjust settings like pm.max_requests and request_terminate_timeout based on your system’s workload. Finally, consider using a load balancer to distribute incoming requests and reduce the load on individual workers.

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