Why Does My PowerShell Variable Not Get Set as Expected When Executing Inline PowerShell in YAML Task: AzureCLI@2?
Image by Millicent - hkhazo.biz.id

Why Does My PowerShell Variable Not Get Set as Expected When Executing Inline PowerShell in YAML Task: AzureCLI@2?

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Are you frustrated with PowerShell variables not getting set as expected when executing inline PowerShell in YAML tasks using AzureCLI@2? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of PowerShell and Azure DevOps to uncover the reasons behind this puzzling phenomenon and provide you with practical solutions to get your variables set correctly.

Understanding the AzureCLI@2 Task

The AzureCLI@2 task is a powerful tool in Azure DevOps that allows you to execute Azure CLI commands, PowerShell scripts, and even Bash scripts in your YAML pipelines. This task provides a flexible way to automate various tasks, from deploying resources to running maintenance scripts. However, when it comes to executing inline PowerShell scripts, things can get a bit tricky.

The Problem: Variables Not Getting Set

Imagine you’re trying to execute an inline PowerShell script in your YAML task, and you’re expecting a variable to be set with a specific value. You’ve written the script correctly, or so you think, but when you run the task, the variable remains unset or gets set to an unexpected value. You’ve checked the script multiple times, but you can’t seem to find the issue.

- task: AzureCLI@2
  displayName: 'Run PowerShell Script'
    azureSubscription: $(azureSubscription)
    scriptType: 'ps'
    script: |
      $myVar = "Hello, World!"
      Write-Host "myVar: $myVar"

In the example above, you’d expect the `Write-Host` cmdlet to output “myVar: Hello, World!”, but instead, it outputs “myVar: ” or an empty string. What’s going on?

Reason 1: PowerShell Scope

In PowerShell, variables have a scope that determines their visibility and lifetime. When you execute an inline PowerShell script in an AzureCLI@2 task, the script runs in a separate scope, which is different from the pipeline scope. This means that any variables set within the script are scoped to the script itself and do not propagate to the pipeline scope.

Solution 1: Use the `$env:` Prefix

To set an environment variable that can be accessed from the pipeline scope, use the `$env:` prefix. This tells PowerShell to set the variable as an environment variable, which can be accessed from outside the script scope.

- task: AzureCLI@2
  displayName: 'Run PowerShell Script'
    azureSubscription: $(azureSubscription)
    scriptType: 'ps'
    script: |
      $env:myVar = "Hello, World!"
      Write-Host "myVar: $env:myVar"

In this example, the `$env:myVar` variable is set as an environment variable, and its value can be accessed from the pipeline scope.

Reason 2: PowerShell Execution Policy

Another common issue that can prevent variables from being set correctly is the PowerShell execution policy. If the execution policy is set to Restricted, PowerShell will not execute scripts, and variables will not be set.

Solution 2: Set the Execution Policy

To set the execution policy, you can add a command to your inline PowerShell script that sets the policy to Unrestricted or Bypass. This allows PowerShell to execute the script and set variables correctly.

- task: AzureCLI@2
  displayName: 'Run PowerShell Script'
    azureSubscription: $(azureSubscription)
    scriptType: 'ps'
    script: |
      Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
      $myVar = "Hello, World!"
      Write-Host "myVar: $myVar"

In this example, the `Set-ExecutionPolicy` cmdlet sets the execution policy to Unrestricted for the current process, allowing the script to execute and set variables correctly.

Reason 3: YAML Script Formatting

When working with YAML files, formatting can be crucial. If your script is not formatted correctly, it may not execute as expected, and variables may not be set.

Solution 3: Format Your YAML Script Correctly

Make sure to format your YAML script using the correct syntax and indentation. Use the `|` character to indicate a multiline script, and indent each line correctly.

- task: AzureCLI@2
  displayName: 'Run PowerShell Script'
    azureSubscription: $(azureSubscription)
    scriptType: 'ps'
    script: |
      $myVar = "Hello, World!"
      Write-Host "myVar: $myVar"

In this example, the script is formatted correctly, with each line indented and the `|` character used to indicate a multiline script.

Reason 4: Task Output

Finally, if you’re trying to output a variable from your PowerShell script and use it in a subsequent task, you need to understand how task output works in Azure DevOps.

Solution 4: Use the `##vso` Command

To output a variable from your PowerShell script, use the `##vso` command. This command allows you to set variables, outputs, and other values that can be accessed from subsequent tasks.

- task: AzureCLI@2
  displayName: 'Run PowerShell Script'
    azureSubscription: $(azureSubscription)
    scriptType: 'ps'
    script: |
      $myVar = "Hello, World!"
      Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=myVar;]$myVar"

In this example, the `##vso` command sets the `myVar` variable as an output variable, which can be accessed from subsequent tasks.


In conclusion, when executing inline PowerShell scripts in YAML tasks using AzureCLI@2, variables may not get set as expected due to scoping issues, execution policy restrictions, YAML formatting errors, and output handling. By understanding the reasons behind these issues and applying the solutions outlined in this article, you’ll be able to set variables correctly and automate your tasks with confidence.

Additional Resources

Solution Description
Use the `$env:` Prefix Set an environment variable that can be accessed from the pipeline scope.
Set the Execution Policy Set the execution policy to Unrestricted or Bypass to allow PowerShell to execute scripts and set variables correctly.
Format Your YAML Script Correctly Use the correct syntax and indentation to format your YAML script.
Use the `##vso` Command Output variables from your PowerShell script and access them from subsequent tasks.

By following these solutions and best practices, you’ll be able to overcome the common issues that arise when executing inline PowerShell scripts in YAML tasks using AzureCLI@2. Happy automating!

Frequently Asked Question

Get to the bottom of the mystery of the elusive PowerShell variable that just won’t set as expected when executing inline PowerShell in YAML task: AzureCLI@2!

Why does my PowerShell variable not get set as expected when executing inline PowerShell in YAML task: AzureCLI@2?

This is because the inline PowerShell script is executed in a separate process, and the variable is not persisted across processes. To fix this, you can use the ` Write-Output` cmdlet to write the variable to the pipeline, and then capture the output in your YAML task.

What is the purpose of the `Write-Output` cmdlet in this scenario?

The `Write-Output` cmdlet writes the variable to the pipeline, allowing the YAML task to capture the output and set the variable as expected. Think of it as a messenger between the PowerShell script and the YAML task!

How do I capture the output of the `Write-Output` cmdlet in my YAML task?

You can capture the output by using the `stdout` attribute in your YAML task. For example: `- task: AzureCLI@2 … – script: | Write-Output “myVariable=$(myValue)” stdout`. Then, you can use the captured output to set the variable as expected!

What if I want to set multiple variables in my PowerShell script?

You can use the `Write-Output` cmdlet to write multiple variables to the pipeline, separated by semicolons or newlines. For example: `Write-Output “myVariable1=$(myValue1); myVariable2=$(myValue2)”`. Then, you can capture the output and set the variables as expected in your YAML task!

Can I use this approach with other types of scripts, not just PowerShell?

Yes, you can! This approach is not limited to PowerShell scripts. You can use a similar approach with other script types, such as Bash, Batch, or Python, as long as you write the output to the pipeline and capture it in your YAML task.

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