Shopify App Block Schema: “target” Property Not Valid According to VS Code Extension
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Shopify App Block Schema: “target” Property Not Valid According to VS Code Extension

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Are you trying to develop a Shopify app using the app block schema, but running into an issue with the “target” property not being valid according to the VS Code extension? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Shopify app development and explore the solution to this frustrating problem.

What is Shopify App Block Schema?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what Shopify app block schema is. Shopify app block schema is a JSON-based configuration file that defines the structure and layout of a Shopify app. It’s used to create custom UI components, such as blocks, that can be used in Shopify admin panels.

The app block schema consists of several properties, including the “target” property, which specifies the type of resource that the block is targeting. For example, a block might target a product, collection, or customer.

The Problem: “target” Property Not Valid

Now, let’s get to the problem at hand. When you’re working on a Shopify app using the app block schema, you might encounter an error message from the VS Code extension stating that the “target” property is not valid. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re new to Shopify app development.

The error message might look something like this:

"target" property is not valid. 
Please ensure that the value is one of the following: ["product", "collection", "customer", "order", "draft_order", "variant", "location", "transfer", "inventory_item", "inventory_level", "fulfillment", "fulfillment_service", "shipping_rate", "tax_rate", "price_rule", "discount_code", "gift_card"]

The Solution: Understanding the “target” Property

The solution to this problem lies in understanding the “target” property and its valid values. The “target” property specifies the type of resource that the block is targeting, as mentioned earlier.

According to the Shopify app block schema documentation, the “target” property can have the following valid values:

  • product
  • collection
  • customer
  • order
  • draft_order
  • variant
  • location
  • transfer
  • inventory_item
  • inventory_level
  • fulfillment
  • fulfillment_service
  • shipping_rate
  • tax_rate
  • price_rule
  • discount_code
  • gift_card

Make sure that the value you’re using for the “target” property is one of the above valid values. If you’re using a custom value, it’s likely that the VS Code extension is complaining about it.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when working with the “target” property:

  • Using a custom value that’s not supported by Shopify app block schema
  • Typo in the value (e.g., “produt” instead of “product”)
  • Using an invalid or deprecated value

Example Code: Using the “target” Property Correctly

Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use the “target” property correctly:

  "type": "block",
  "name": "product-block",
  "target": "product",
  "fields": [
      "type": "text",
      "name": "title",
      "label": "Title"
      "type": "image",
      "name": "image",
      "label": "Image"

In this example, the “target” property is set to “product”, which is a valid value according to the Shopify app block schema documentation.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the “target” property issue:

  1. Check the Shopify app block schema documentation to ensure that the value you’re using is valid
  2. Verify that there are no typos in the value
  3. Check the VS Code extension logs for any error messages
  4. Try deleting the “target” property and re-adding it to see if the issue persists


In conclusion, the “target” property not being valid according to the VS Code extension is a common issue that can be resolved by understanding the valid values for the “target” property and avoiding common mistakes. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and get back to developing your Shopify app.

Additional Resources

Here are some additional resources to help you learn more about Shopify app development and the app block schema:

Property Description
type The type of block (e.g., “block”, “field”)
name The name of the block
target The type of resource that the block is targeting (e.g., “product”, “collection”)
fields An array of field definitions for the block

This article has provided a comprehensive guide to resolving the “target” property not being valid according to the VS Code extension issue when working with Shopify app block schema. By following the steps and troubleshooting tips outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and get back to developing your Shopify app.

Here is the FAQ section about Shopify App Block Schema: “target” Property Not Valid According to VS Code Extension:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your burning questions about Shopify App Block Schema and the pesky “target” property error in VS Code Extension!

What is the Shopify App Block Schema?

The Shopify App Block Schema is a standardized way to define the structure and content of app blocks in Shopify. It helps app developers create and manage custom blocks for their apps, making it easier for merchants to customize their online stores.

What is the “target” property in Shopify App Block Schema?

The “target” property in Shopify App Block Schema defines the specific section or area of the online store where the app block will be rendered. It’s a required field that helps Shopify understand where to display the app block.

Why is the “target” property not valid according to VS Code Extension?

The VS Code Extension might flag the “target” property as invalid if it’s not formatted correctly or if it’s missing required values. Make sure to check the Shopify App Block Schema documentation for the correct syntax and requirements for the “target” property.

How do I fix the “target” property error in VS Code Extension?

To fix the error, review your code and ensure that the “target” property is correctly formatted and meets the required values specified in the Shopify App Block Schema documentation. You can also try validating your schema using online tools or seeking help from the Shopify community.

Can I still use my app block if the “target” property is not valid?

No, if the “target” property is not valid, your app block won’t be rendered in the online store. You need to fix the error and ensure that the “target” property meets the required criteria before your app block can be used.

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