Python Scrapy: Get All URLs in the Webpage Without Duplicate URLs
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Python Scrapy: Get All URLs in the Webpage Without Duplicate URLs

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Are you tired of scraping websites and ending up with a plethora of duplicate URLs? Do you want to extract all the URLs from a webpage without any duplicates? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to use Python Scrapy to get all URLs in a webpage without duplicates.

What is Scrapy?

Scrapy is a Python framework used for building web scrapers. It provides a flexible and efficient way to extract data from websites. With Scrapy, you can write spiders that navigate websites, extract data, and store it in a structured format.

Why Do We Need to Remove Duplicates?

Duplicate URLs can be a nuisance when scraping websites. They can lead to:

  • Wasted resources: Scraping the same URL multiple times can waste resources and slow down your scraper.
  • Inaccurate data: Duplicate URLs can lead to inaccurate data, especially if you’re counting the number of URLs or unique pages.
  • Increased storage: Storing duplicate URLs can take up unnecessary storage space.

How to Get All URLs in a Webpage Without Duplicates Using Scrapy

To get all URLs in a webpage without duplicates using Scrapy, you’ll need to:

  1. Install Scrapy: If you haven’t already, install Scrapy using pip: pip install scrapy
  2. Create a new Scrapy project: Run scrapy startproject projectname to create a new Scrapy project.
  3. Define your spider: In your project’s spiders directory, create a new Python file (e.g., and define your spider:
import scrapy

class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "myspider"
    start_urls = [
        '',  # replace with your starting URL

    def parse(self, response):
        # extract all URLs from the webpage
        urls = response.css('a::attr(href)').getall()

        # remove duplicates using a set
        unique_urls = set(urls)

        # yield the unique URLs
        for url in unique_urls:
            yield {'url': url}

How the Code Works

The code above defines a Scrapy spider that starts at the URL The parse method is called on each webpage, and it:

  • Extracts all URLs from the webpage using the CSS selector a::attr(href).
  • Removes duplicates by converting the list of URLs to a set.
  • Yields each unique URL as a dictionary.

Running the Spider

To run the spider, navigate to your project’s directory and run:

scrapy crawl myspider

This will start the spider and begin scraping the website. You can view the output in the terminal or save it to a file using:

scrapy crawl myspider -o output.csv

Additional Tips and Variations

Handling Relative URLs

If you encounter relative URLs (e.g., /about instead of, you can use the response.urljoin method to convert them to absolute URLs:

urls = [response.urljoin(url) for url in response.css('a::attr(href)').getall()]

Excluding Certain URLs

If you want to exclude certain URLs (e.g., URLs containing # or ?), you can use a list comprehension:

unique_urls = {url for url in unique_urls if '#' not in url and '?' not in url}

If you want to follow links and scrape multiple pages, you can modify the spider to yield a new request for each URL:

def parse(self, response):
    # ...
    for url in unique_urls:
        yield response.follow(url, self.parse)


In this article, we’ve shown you how to use Python Scrapy to get all URLs in a webpage without duplicates. By using a set to remove duplicates and modifying the code to handle relative URLs, exclude certain URLs, and follow links, you can create a robust web scraper that extracts the data you need. Happy scraping!

Next time you’re scraping websites, remember to remove those pesky duplicates and make your scraping life easier!

Keyword Frequency
Python Scrapy 5
get all URLs 3
without duplicates 4

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of Python Scrapy and extract all URLs from a webpage without duplicates!

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